Monday 6 December 2010

My ideas for an opening Thriller sequence...

In our media groups we each brainstormed four possible ideas for our Thriller/Horror opening sequence. Using my mood board, previously shown. I came up with these four ideas..

·        The mind of a Terrorist
Opening sequence of terrorists making plans and methods of how to undermine the government, Show CCTV subverted- terrorists watching the government and police.
Shots of documents and train maps being analysed (can be used to show names for credits) – cutting into air control at airport- Terrorists listening in.
POV shots and mix of non-diegetetic and diegetic sounds to create psychotic atmosphere.

·        Human female sex and drug trafficking
young girl shopping with her mum , mum goes to try piece of clothing on, girl gets called outside by young good looking man , talking to man beside road , not realising a set up , a van pulls along and grabs her into van and speeds off.
Mum exits shop in hysteria- flashes of shots of her thought process of abused young females subject to drugs and the human trafficking trade.

·        Vaccination/ flu jab
A new common flu jab been given to people, but somehow it has been contaminated. Affects of a person received jab to change become mentally deranged and start attacking people

·        Being followed
  Hand circling routes of a way home from a night club. Switches to an unidentified person walking and watching girls come out of night club having laugh, then continuing his marked out route and following them. Increase diegetic sounds of breathing. Girls split up to walk to houses. Individual advances and the girl turns around recognises individual and says “oh you scared me” smiling but then unknown individual stabs her .

I  based my ideas on what would scare me and taking the more thriller approach. However i then discussed my ideas with the group who advised me to think about the practicality of the ideas.

The Class Horror anaylisis

Other members of the class also presented opening film sequences, which we then adapted notes on and discussed as a group. One sequence i found particularly interesting was the Sweeney Todd opening titles.

Here are four pictures of shots taken from the opening sequence ..

The Directors have thought carefully about the font, colour and placement of the titles. The producers have created a unique approach in still providing the viewer with a grusome horror whilst incoporating animation.